Hello world, fitness followers and (especially) our TEC clients! Coach Alison here! I’ve been tasked with the almost impossible job of introducing my fellow coaches and the ideas around creating a weekly blog to share with you. Impossible because our team here at The Exercise Coach-Pittsburgh (which if you are already a client, you’re more than aware of already!) is so diverse, intelligent and unique that it’s hard to sum us all up in a single post!
In our last staff meeting, huddled around our Zoom cameras, the staff discussed our highs & lows, things we think we are doing exceptionally well and ways we could improve. What I love most about our team of coaches here is their innate abilities to be passionate yet consistent, empathetic yet mercilessness in pushing their clients to be better/stronger/healthier and their abilities to maintain just the right balance of encouragement, creativity and stability. During our call, almost each coach asked a question along the lines of “How can we help our clients be even more successful?!”
And so, voila! The blog was born.
This blog was born out of love for our clients. It was created by our coaches never-ending quest to help our clients be the strongest, the healthiest and have the best quality of life they can achieve. The intent behind these blogs are to inform, share our own struggles, encourage and hopefully even delight from time to time, as each coach shares their knowledge and perspective on a wide-range of topics. While we definitely stand by two, 20 minute sessions per week of strength training is all you need, us Coach’s have come to the conclusion that gosh-darn-it, we just have more to say!
Join us next week for our first official blog written by Coach Pamela as she shares insights into journey/battle with the scale.